Wartune Convert


Level 1
First skill unlocked
Level 3
Second Skill Unlocked
Level 5
Ability to open level 5 started pack
– 3k Gold
– 40 Vouchers
– Level 10 Starter Pack
– Coruscan Crest
– Amethyst Ring
– Includes Town Hall
– Includes Barracks
– Includes Cottage
Area: Twilight Sand
Level 6
Resource Quarry
Level 7
Skills (That is, the ability to distribute skill points)
At this point, you have three skill points, including the two in the granted skills . You
continue to gain one skill point every even-numbered level.
Level 8
Tropp Upgrade
Level 9
Level 10
Ability to open level 10 starter pack
-10k Gold
-60 Vouchers
-Level 15 Starter Pack
-Defender’s Leather Armor
-A VIP Trial Card, which you may not want to use yet. The game tries to force you to use it right after opening the pack, but you can avoid this by refreshing the page.
Level 11
Tree of Ancients
Daily Duties
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Forge Gold ( Levy )
Level 15
Ability to open level 15 starter pack
-Level 1 Crit Gem
-Level 1 Physical Atttack Gem
-80 voucher
-Socketing Rod
-Level 3 Luck Stone
-Level 20 Starter Pack
Level 17
Bounty Hall
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20
Abilty to open level 20 starter pack
-Magican Breasplate
-Battalion Long Bow
-Minor HP pack x5
-Level 1 Healing Rune x10
-Level 25 Starter Pack
Spirit Covenant
World Boss
Hall of Heroes
AFK Mode
Blitz though Campaigns
Level 21
Altar of Ennoblement
Level 22
PVP Battle
Level 23
Forgotten Catacombs
Level 24
Gold Refinery
Level 25
Ability to open level 25 starter pack
-100k Gold
-L3 Superior Leveler’s Seed
-2x Crypt Key
-2x Moderate HP pack
-5x Level 5 Luck Stone
Level 30 Starter Pack
Astro Gathering
Level 26
Mystery Shop
Level 27
Level 30
Ability to open level 30 starter pack
-200k Gold
-10x Level 3 Brutality Rune
-5x Crypy Key
-2x Major HP pack
-5x Level 5 Luck Stone
-400 Voucher
Unlock Gryphon
EXtra astro slot
Level 32
New Instances Delphinian Swamp
Level 35
Sould Engraving
Level 38
Active Double Skills ( Costs Balens )
Level 40
Unlock Knight and Angel
Troops Speciality
Level 50
Unlock Tempalr and Warlock

Wartune Convertible

Wartime conversion

Wartime Conversion

Wartune Convert

Wartime Conversion Definition

With version 2.1, once advancing to level 50, players will be able to obtain Sylphs upon seeking the legend of the Sylphs. There are six classes of Sylphs: Dark sylphs, Electro sylphs, Fire sylphs, Light Sylphs, Water Sylphs, and Wind Sylphs. Six types of Sylphs have been introduced: Pan (wind sylph), Gaia (electro sylph), Iris (water sylph), Amazon Queen (fire sylph), Apollo (light sylph). DolyGames Gaming Portal with lots of FUN and 100% FREE games to play. Arcade games, Action games, Puzzles, Card games and much more! Sylphs, launched at version 2.1, once advancing to level 50, players can obtain sylphs after completing the main quest the Legend of the Sylphs. Which requires talking to NPC Azrael in western Cloud City. The Legend of Sylphs.