Life Preserver Weapon

Life preservers ringLife Preserver Weapon

One of the tasks of the young Samuel(2) was the collection of monies due from the customers of the Potteries. It was a cash business and the return journeys were often through lonely lanes and streets. Samuel(2) equipped himself with a 'Life Preserver' and horn whistle for protection and to raise the alarm in the event of criminal attack.

The 'Life Preserver' is a formidable weapon having a flexible shaft, 8' long, possibly of whale-bone, and a lead weighted end, bound with cord. In use it was intended to be aimed at the arms or legs in order to disable the assailant. A blow to the head could easily result in fatal injuries.

There is no record of the 'Life Preserver' having been used in anger and it remains a serviceable weapon.

Life Preserver Weapon

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