Arania Tf Art

Transformation Artwork March 2012 and earlier NEWEST transformation artwork is here Transformation artwork page. Some images contain nudity or adult content - those images are designated with a warning. Arania Professional General Artist This is a gallery dedicated to the 5-part transformation sequences I drew for an online RPG based on 'The Island of Dr. Moreau' - in a modern setting. Genetic experiments were used on the subjects to transform them into animals or anthros in a series of 5 injections over a period of months. The Red Bull and the Last Unicorn. Final Winter Soldier Cosplay. Dr Pikachu and Ash vs Daleks. Winter Soldier Cosplay. Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Cosplay (WIP) by arania. Latex Fox Origins 1. Albino Mightyena TF 2. A wise reader named Extrenica suggested that I include a link to Arania's Transformation art. This excellent suggestion made me wonder why I hadn't linked to her before, since I've followed her work for years. Arania is one of the longest-running TF artists on the web, and she regularly updates her massive gallery at the end of every month.

  1. 1940

    The ARANIA company was founded in Biscay.

  2. 1971

    New plant in Amorebieta (Cold-rolling, Profiling and Welded Piping).

  3. 1977

    Piping activities started at the ARANIA premises in Amorebieta.

  4. 1991

    Establishment of AR Sistemas, specialists in the light shelving market.

  5. 1996

    AR joined the European DIY market.

  6. 1997

    ARATUBO was founded in Júndiz (Álava) as a company specialising in the manufacture of welded piping and the ARATUBO automatic warehouse was started up.

  7. 1998

    Picking shelves launch.

  8. 2000

    Full updating of the ARANIA premises in Amorebieta, which included the new cold-rolling mill and the inclusion of the 3rd piping line in Júndiz (ARATUBO).

  9. 2001

    Increase in ARATUBO·s storage capacity with a second automatic warehouse.

  10. 2002

    Palletisation racks launch.

  11. 2004

    Creation of Arestant in Tudela (Navarra) and the industrial storage systems business.

  12. 2005

    Beginning of the launch of new pipes with greater added value.

  13. 2006

    First implementation of sales offices abroad.

  14. 2007

    Start up of AR RACKING technology site in Zamudio (Biscay) with the first self-supporting automatic warehouse.

  15. 2007

    Incorporation in ARATUBO of a 4th piping line and a 3rd automatic storage.

  16. 2008

    Merger of Technometal s.r.o. (Slovakia) with AR SHELVING

  17. 2008

    Piping cut to measure and development of piping for automation in ARATUBO.

  18. 2008

    ARANIA acquired Laminación Vizcaya.

  19. 2009

    Establishment of AR Storage Solutions as a storage systems brand.

  20. 2010

    Increased premises and capacity of AR RACKING in Tudela.

  21. 2011

    Birth of the GRUPO ARANIA brand.

  22. 2015

    75th anniversary of the GRUPO ARANIA.

  23. 2016

    ARANIA New Ebner bell type annealing furnaces

  24. 2017

    AR SHELVING´s new development in Slovakia

  25. 2017

    ARATUBO expands its facilities

  26. 2017

    AR RACKING extends its production centre

  27. 2018

    New AR RACKING premises in Peru, Germany and Belgium

  28. 2018

    ARATUBO acquires a 3rd warehouse of 24,000m2

  29. 2019

    AR Racking and Mondragon Unibertsitatea make up the AR Lab focused on R+D

  30. 2019

    Arania unifies its two production centres

  31. 2020

    Grupo Arania is 80 years old.


Often works in public collections have to wait in storage until funding comes available for their restoration and reframing. In 2007, the Gallery placed a group of paintings, sculptures and frames 'Up for Adoption'. A display of these works was produced in association with the exhibition Passion and Politics – Two Centuries of British Art, and members of the public, whether individuals or groups, were invited to sponsor artworks in need of framing or conservation treatments of various kinds.

While we are celebrating many other kinds of philanthropy throughout our opening shows, The Art of Transformation honours a specific commitment we made to those generous individuals and groups who supported the Up for Adoption programme that we would show as many restored works as possible at re-opening.

Also included in The Art of Transformation are a selection of very fine prints that the Gallery received by transfer from Special Collections in 2009, which had been moved to the Auckland City Library from the Leys Institute in Herne Bay. Dr Leys acquired them while on an acquisition trip to Europe in the 1920s, and until recently they had remained in cardboard folders.

Arania kamiki tf artwork

Arania Tf Artwork

A number of the works have been treated and conserved by members of the Gallery's Conservation Department and other members of New Zealand Conservators of Cultural Materials (NZCCM).

Ariana Tf Gallery

Curated by
Mary Kisler, Julia Waite
Level 1
Free entry